Jim Slip - Nicolene


Nicolene - The Mysteries of the Orient unveiled!
Released: September 24, 2012

This week, your humble host will transport you from the cold, grey streets of Wigan to the mysterious and strange land that is known as The Orient! No, I do not mean the football club, I refer to that far off land where intrepid explorers of old have sought enlightenment for centuries, all seeking to find the answer to questions that vexed them! I too have tussled with such troubling issues, eg "How can I get one of them Chinese birds onto my website?" and "Will I need to travel to the Orient, to get one?" Well fear not, my friends, Nicolene is that most rare of breeds, a mixture of Russian and Chinese. So, on the one hand you get the enigmatic and mysterious trait of the Chinese girl, mixed into the cauldron of fiery sexiness of the Russian! As you will see, Nicolene makes a wondrous, if ...



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